Hive Earnings 2023 & Hive Goals for 2024

First of all, Happy New Year! This is my first post of 2024!! I hope you had a good celebration and start to the year.

Before thinking about where we are going, it is good to see where we have come from. 2023 has been a pretty amazing year with the main narrative being Bitcoin and the huge run up in Solana.

The first half of the year we were already in the start of the bull run but most of us didn't know it and we only got that confirmation in the 2nd half of 2023. We now finished the year off with the greed indicator glowing red!

If we look at Hive's year price-wise, we can see it started off on the 1st of Jan at $0,26, which was a great buying opportunity and rose nicely in the proceeding months before starting a slow decline until August as Bitcoin dominance grew.

Since then we have bounced nicely but have not retaken the high from earlier in the year around $0,45. For the chart above I have just taken the end of month closing figures, so there could be some peaks missed.

Along with some other out of favor alts, many are waiting for the next bull run to really get started and Hive is firmly in this camp. What could be the trigger is still open. There are some good things being developed on Hive and we will see if one of them might be the catalyst.

Looking at my earnings for 2024, I can see a steady increase along with my Hive Power. I have been posting nearly every day and still enjoy it and find topics to post about. In total I earned 15 123 Hive in 2023 which is a decent amount. This is split between author and curation rewards pretty evenly:

Breaking down the totals, my passive curation part has grown to 723 Hive in December which is great. The authorship then balances that out around 50% of the total depending on the posts/month.

This then leads onto 2024 and what goals to go for. As we are expecting 2024 to be a bull run year, hopefully the value of Hive will increase and get to near my guesstimate for the end of 2024 or higher!

I will therefore try to use my Hive rewards to build up some HBD savings to build that passive income. My thoughts are to wait until Hive reaches at least $1 before buying any HBD though, so it could be not much progress until we see some movement in the price of Hive.

My goal is therefore to save 10 000 HBD which would then help increase my passive income in the future and be a nice savings goal. Other than that, I plan to keep on posting and curating and being active in the community. I don't want to push myself as hard this year after the last year and prefer to stick with just 1 financial goal.

Thanks to the tool: from @balaz I could check my posting and commenting for the last year and I think I have managed to stay quite active.

My posting started the year very active but I took a few days off here and there in the last quarter. I also had a couple of projects at work that took some of my time and needed more focus there.

I like to think that I engage quite abit on Hive, but have engaged abit less in the last quarter as I had some IRL stuff to take care of, but still at nearly 1000 comments per month. I like to think that I leave some meaningful comments and have a few favorite authors that I like to read regularly. Using the Ecency App makes engaging always more fun and easier than on my desktop too.

My goal is to keep regularly posting and engaging in 2024 and see how that compares to this last year. I also want to have a think about what content and communities I will post in and maybe change or add some new interests.

I have been delegating to a few communities in 2023, namely Liotes, Vegan, Amazing Drinks, CTPSB, Dreemport and Hive Pakistan. For 2024 I will review these delegations and see what other community projects I might support. Perhaps those that are new and just starting. Mostly I think it is best to keep your own Hive power, but it can be worthy to support some good communtiy projects.

How was your 2023 Hive earnings and what are your goals for 2024?

Thanks for reading.

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