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Identity is Violence


Something unavoidable in the creation of reality via the mind is the declaration of identity.

The point at which the first individual exclaims - I am me and 'that' is not me.

The creation of borders and boundaries between the self and the rest of all matter.

It is an act of force - the first act of force ever in existence.

The creation of identity is simultaneously the creation of violence.

The need to separate and divide and keep separated and divided for the purpose of self preservation and self interest.

I am.

"In the beginning was the word..."

Death is the marrying of the universe with the self.

An infinite expansion of the self into an infinite amount of points.

The dissolving of identity.

Some herald such a transition as liberation and yet others as a point to be feared.

Some identities as individuals and as communities cling for all life onto the idea of preserving the self through the ages.

Some of these groups claim to be altruistic while vehemently preserving this self - indirectly enforcing boundaries of identity which force a difference between 'us' and 'them'.

The beginning of the 'self' is fear. The first fear is fear of loss. Fear of loss of identity.

The creation of identity is the creation of fear.

Identity is fear.

As soon as something is defined as the self and these 'territorial lines' are created - it becomes necessary to preserve these lines and these differences in order to maintain it as a definition of what it is.

It has been said - Fear of God is the beginning of knowledge.

The first definition of identity - God.

The ideal identity - a boundary formed - a thing of force - an assumed thing - a conditioned thing. Collectively enforced collective identity -

or else...

You will believe -

or else...

What are the consequences of losing god? lose boundaries and form of collective identity - what does it mean?

All of a sudden we have to take responsibility of our own identity - of our own group identities - under the conscious self-direction of such - knowing what we are creating for what purposes in full knowledge of the tendencies of the mind and its habits of identifying form.

How do we avoid becoming a soup? A soup of wandering nothings with no identity to be mushed into a continuous substance with no difference between 'this' and 'that'...

Is a soup desirable?

On the other hand, is taking the definition of separation of self from the greater mass of all beingness (Identity) on a runaway train to its logical end desirable?

Is the inevitable result of all identity an end? Both individual and collective.

Is the desperate attempts to retain identity of any form above other forms of identity doomed to failure?

Everything that has a beginning has an end because the end IS the beginning.

Thus our obsession with manipulating the history of a collective identity called God into an over-arching omnipotent and omnipresent identity - the creation of which is a self defense mechanism of the collective in order to preserve itself into the ages.

Identity is self-interest.

Identity is violence.

Does it make it bad or evil? We are told selfishness is bad in our modern western conditioning - we are told we are equal (which is of course, bullshit) - and thus, having been born in a favourable economic situation we end up growing up irrationally self-entitled.

Do we then discard identity?

Or do we take hold of the creation of such with conscious engagement?

Intelligent self-interest - conscious self-creation

Let us focus

Let us take control of identity.

We near the end of the present collective.. an apocalypse.. an awakening...

The end of everything...

The unraveling...

Then also the beginning in another form. Of what 'beginning' and of what exactly will form cannot be known...

We stand on the edge of the cliff face and our only choice forward is to jump into what appears to be an abyss clouded with fog.

The leap of faith into willing and conscious self-creation.

Will 'I' die?

Who knows?
