My Annoying Neighbor


Good afternoon dear people of hive, according to my topic I am sure you would want to know what transpired before I can call my neighbour annoying, well sit back and continue scrolling to see my reasons.

I woke up this morning with the intention of washing my daughter's uniform because it is what she was going to wear tomorrow to school.
Yesterday I had washed some clothes but they weren't properly dried and I just had to take them inside because I cannot leave the clothes outside because our compound doesn't have a gate.
So this morning I took the wet clothes from yesterday outside in the hope that by the time was would be done with other things I was doing that morning the clothes would have tried and I could wash the uniform and some few clothes of my family, I know some people in my country that don't allow dirty clothes in the house especially when you have little children that wet the bed around.

So this was my case, I can't leave dirty clothes lying around. So I took out the wet clothes from yesterday and put them on the line, I went to the filling station to fill my gas cylinder because my cooking gas was finished. only for me to come back and see my neighbor drying her clothes on the line where l had dried mine, I was very furious with her, she went ahead to tell me that my clothes were dried knowing fully well that I had just spread them.
I had to calmly explain to her that I had just put them out for the sun to make them very dry because they were wet as at yesterday.


She didn't move her clothes as I just left her, because if I had started shouting she would have made the matter worst, I had to take my own clothes and I dried them on the fence behind the house, this was something I usually did whenever I noticed someone else clothes were on the line and that was what I expected her to do too, but she didn't, and it makes me angry.

This could have been the start of a heated fight had it been I was an aggressive person, but I am not I just let it go.
Later this morning she still came to borrow something from me, if I had been hostile to her she wouldn't come, so no matter how annoying some people might be do not lose your peace over it.

Later when I was my daughter's uniform I discovered the reason why she had moved my clothes, she attends a white garment church, so the white garment was what she dried on the line to avoid them getting stained. Thank God I am an easygoing person and I am grateful to God that I was calm.

Thanks for stopping by
See you in my next post❤️❤️

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