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Sveriges nationaldag, svenska flaggans dag 🇸🇪🇸🇪 - 06062022

Swedes don't like to hold up the flag more than necessary. I think the reason is that they associate it with nationalism, but today is a special day and the whole town is full of flags.
What?? What is this?? I love this!!
What what what?? Spoket?? The ghost?!
So kawaii!! LOL! I love it so much!!
We celebrated the holiday together with a cake.
Holiday event held in the neighborhood. They were singing the national anthem and playing Swedish folk music. The weather was beautiful and there were many people there today.
Table showing the percentage of immigrants in the population. The rate of immigrants within Sweden exceeds that of Germany and the U.S., which many may find surprising in some ways.
It saddens me that my beloved Japan continues to be so closed. How can we become a country that appreciates diversity and accepts people from diverse backgrounds?

National Day of Sweden 🇸🇪

June 6 is Sweden's National Day, which is a national holiday in Sweden as "Flag Day".

In history, June 6 is recognized as the day Gustav Vasa, the creator of modern Sweden, was elected as a king.

According to Wikipedia, it says "Gustav's election as king on 6 June 1523 and his triumphant entry into Stockholm eleven days later marked Sweden's final secession from the Kalmar Union." Gustav Vasa

About 500 years have passed since Gustav Vasa became king, and the kingdom directly under Gustav Vasa has been deposed, and the Swedish kingdom is now succeeded by a royal family welcomed from France.

From that perspective, the current Swedish kingdom, House of Bernadotte is also originally "immigrant".

Although there are pros and cons, Sweden is said to be a country that has embraced immigration as a way to solve the problem of declining population. Sweden is also known as a country that actively accepts refugees and has a humanitarian policy that is highly regarded internationally.

Immigration by country

I was curious, so I looked up the percentage of immigrants in Sweden. I am not sure if the information is correct, but according to the site I checked, the percentage of immigrants in Sweden is about 20%. The U.S. is famous as a country of immigrants, but the percentage of immigrants in the U.S. is about 15%.

Then, when we looked into Japan, we found that it was only 2%. I felt again that Japan is a closed country that is very reluctant to accept immigrants. This is a very sad reality. I would have to say that it is a biased policy in the name of the reality of a society that embraces diversity.

In an increasingly globalized world, Japan's continued refusal to accept immigrants will surely lead to the collapse of its social system at some point. The signs of this have already been visible for years, and recently the signs have become apparent as a social problem, but the politicians who do not take concrete action are really idiots.

Accepting immigrants with public understanding and building a society that recognizes diversity is a very difficult problem. However, considering the fact that the dynasty was originally "French immigrants" and that the current king, Carl XVI Gustaf, fell in love with a German woman (future Queen Silvia) and married. The Swedish people may be more flexible than the Japanese in their attitudes toward immigrants and foreigners.

In that sense, the sinking of Japan may now be a confirmed fact. Σ(゚д゚lll)ガーン



歴史を紐解くと、6月6日は現代スウェーデンを作ったGustav Vasaが国王に選出された日として認識されています。

Gustav Vasaが国王になってから約500年が経過し、Gustav Vasa直属の王朝も退座し、今ではフランスから迎え入れた王族がスウェーデン王朝を受け継いでいます。



気になったので、スウェーデンの移民の比率を調べてみました。 情報が正しいかはわからないのですが、わたしが調べたサイトではスウェーデンにおける移民の比率は約20%でした。 アメリカは移民の国として有名ですが、移民の比率は約15%とこのサイトでは表示されていました。

では、日本はどうなのかと調べてみると、たったの2%でした。 日本はとても移民を受け入れることを嫌う、閉鎖的な国だと改めて感じました。 これはとても悲しい現実です。 多様性を受け入れる社会の現実とは名ばかりで、政策としては偏っていると言わざるを言えないのではないでしょうか。

グローバル化が進む世界の中で、移民を受け入れることを拒み続ける日本はいつかは必ず崩壊し社会制度も破綻すると思います。 既にその兆しが何年も前から見えていて、最近ではその兆しが社会的な問題として顕在化しているのに具体的な対応をしない政治家はホンマにアホなん?って思ってしまいます。

国民の理解を得ながら移民を受け入れ、多様性を認め合う社会を築くというのはとても難しい問題です。 しかし、王朝ももともとは「フランスからの移民」であり、現在の国王であるCarl XVI Gustaf 王もドイツ人と恋に落ち、「外国人」であるSilvia女王と結婚されたことも考えるとスウェーデンは国民は移民や外国人に対する意識は日本人に比べてもとても柔軟なのかもしれません。

今後の日本がどうなるのか心配だなぁ。 このままだと、沈没は免れないかな?

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

😍 @luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝🍯🐝
