Will You Join Me?

I am taking a journey called life. I don't know where the Ford I'm going because I'm not there yet. Go ahead and throw me a cliché? Tell me:

The journey is the destination.

Then post that phrase on a picture where your car broke down in the desert and you got heat stroke. Make sure the foreground letters contrast the background colors.

Then post it on Instagram with a hundred million other losers.


This is the biggest cosmic joke in the universe. The journey is worth shit. It's who you are with in the car that really matters.

There are over 7 billion assholes in the world and climbing. Sometimes we can control who is in the car with us and sometimes we can't.

We all start out cruising in that car in the LIFE game with our mom and dad and maybe a sister or brother. We get to be a teenager and think we know everything. Then we get cocky and want to choose our own adventure.



Life source

Chose your own adventure

You are on the road trip of life but the companions in the car are all assholes. Do you...

A. Stay in the car and hope they get better.

B. Get out of the car and walk.

  • If you chose A then your entire journey may be ruled over by assholes making it a pretty smelly car ride. There are clowns to the left and jokers to the right. At least you still have companions but you are stuck in the middle. You want to go but you have to stay.

    Stuck in the Middle with you - Stealers Wheel

  • If you chose B you may find yourself alone on a desert road for a long time. The loneliness and thirstiness may tear you apart.

In the desert you can't remember your name for there ain't no one to give you no pain.

A Horse With No Name - America


I chose B. I jumped out of the car. I wasn't going to stay with dangerous people, jokers and clowns controlling my life. I did a barrel roll to the side of the road and my life began a 180 o turn around.

The desert humbles a person depriving him or her of water and giving cold winds at night and fainting heat during the day. Here in the desert a companion is a breath of fresh air and a soothing glass of water.

I found a companion who lifted his hand to me,

"Will you join me?"

He was a friend. He picked me up, gave me a drink and walked me to the side of the road. We got in a new car and started the journey all over again as if nothing changed.

There was no great revelation.

There was just the car

.......................and the journey.


desert source

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