
There are times in life when we feel so much
the lack of someone that what we most want
is to take this person out of our dreams
and hug her.

Dream about what you want.
Be what you want to be,
because you only have one life
and in it you only have one chance
to do what you want.

Have enough happiness to make her sweet.
Difficulties to make her strong.
Sadness to make her human.
And enough hope to make her happy.

the happiest people
they don't have the best things.
They know how to do the best
of the opportunities that appear
in your ways.

Happiness appears to those who cry.
For those who get hurt.
For those who seek and always try.
And for those who recognize
the importance of the people who go through their lives.

the brightest future
it is based on an intensely lived past.
You will only succeed in life
when to forgive mistakes
and past disappointments.

Life is short but the emotions we can leave
last an eternity.
Life is not for playing,
because one fine day you die.


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