Always Seek To Be Better

There is beauty in nature, in the air, in the light.
All of this can remind us that life is precious
and that it needs to be valued.

Take a deep breath and look around,
see the trees, flowers, rivers and seas.
See the stars, moon, sun and clouds.
And remember that life is for living.

Find out what motivates you,
find what makes you happy.
Discover what you love,
what makes you dream.

Find what inspires you,
what makes you feel alive.
Discover what excites you
and what gives you strength to follow.

Find out what makes you happy,
even when things don't go as planned.
Remember we are human beings
and that we have faults.

Learn to value yourself and defend yourself.
Know that you are capable of much more than you realize.
Learn to say no to things you don't want to do.
Learn to know yourself and invest in you.

Cherish yourself, respect yourself, believe in yourself.
Learn to value small victories.
Learn to deal with defeats and overcome them.
Enjoy what life offers you.
Don't give up on your dreams, or self sabotage.

Remember that you have to fight, make an effort,
dedicate yourself, believe and persist.
All this so that we can achieve happiness.

Be happy and live intensely.
Cherish life and live it to the fullest.
Do not give up on your dreams,
and always seek to be better.


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