Don't bite the fingers that feeds you

We are sometimes carried away with the things of life that some people fail to show gratitude to what generate or provide income to them which is not appropriate to keep such relationship in a good terms. We are surrounded with people and opportunities that plays an important role In our lives which needs to be protected by all cost in other not to lose them.


The only way to keep moving forward in life is to have the support and assistance of other people in other to grow and this involves what also generate income for us that needs protection as well. The fingers that feeds us doesn't have to be a source coming from someone alone it also involves what we do to make money and for we to keep that source growing we need not joke with the opportunity.

Deriving the mindset that we may feel nothing might happen if we decide misbehaving will really be a bad idea towards what plays a positive part in one's life because we don't need to display such but try to be more cautious in protecting the source of income.

This happens more often among humans where we see people who believe they've known it all and then they misbehave towards people who helped them get to the position they are. We need to swallow our pride as humans and continue to be humble for more opportunities to come.

We all have our own lapses as human but then there are some characters we really need to avoid when aiming for something beneficial to us. In any situation we find ourselves where we are opportuned to make ends meet, there shouldn't be any act of showing unseriousness instead we need to keep doing or showcasing the good work we've started before for more good remark to secure.

We should be grateful if we are opportuned to live a life up to our expectations because it can be difficult to see such opportunity again. We just need to be good in what we do and also work hard to keep the consistency active.

Never look down on anyone or even try to believe we've arrive without having anything and if we can be more humble and grateful for what we have then the opportunity of acquiring more success can be achieved without doubt.

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