You Are Asking - Be Polite

I don't know if it's just me but I hate being asked rudely to do something

How do you react when someone asks you for help in a rude way? For me, I hate it so much even though I may help later. Growing up, I was always reminded to that "The way I ask for something from someone no matter how close the relationship is matters a lot". In other words, your manner of approach is very important in getting your requests done.

Firstly, I'm the type that find it hard to ask for something from someone except my parents because I hate to be like a burden on anyone but I can't help it sometimes and that brings me to being extra polite and never to sound rude in any way while I ask for help from a person no matter how close we are.

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My own thought is that

"So long you're asking for something, that means you don't have it and you need it. Approach the person in the best way and be polite so the person will be happy to do it for you".

What's even more annoying is that some people show this attitude in asking from God Almighty which is so wrong, talk more of how they approach their fellow humans. Well, things can be done better and that is why I'll keep correcting and writing about it when I can.

You may be wondering what made me to start writing about this. Here's what happened:


Yesterday I attended my tribe's meeting which I've missed for sometime now. Actually, an aspirant for an election called to ask about me and why I've been absenting myself from the meeting. Then before ending the call, he asked me to help in supporting him for the election. Even though he hasn't called me once before but only called to check on me and ask for my help, I find his approach very polite and it made an impression on me to support him in my own little way.

After the meeting, and I was in my way home, another aspirant for the same position came to me but instead of asking for my support at least without asking about me which I would understand, he didn't but instead he was like "How many votes from our people can you get for me?". That's just the nearest rude way he put those words in, I can't say it exactly but it was so rude to me. But as the person I am, I didn't react to it like it was rude but I made up my mind not to support him. He may have thought that he was doing it right but he got it all wrong to me because he asked me like he would win with or without my help, forgetting that a vote counts.


Well, I'm not judging that maybe that's how he approach other people but he didn't approach me in the best way even if I have who I would love to support already. Maybe the other aspirant isn't the type that approach others in the best way but who cares? He impressed me and that's what matters.

So I'll say this one more time:

Be nice, ask politely even if you think or know that the person will do it for you without you asking for it politely. Approach a person in a way you know won't get you pissed off if someone were to approach you that same way. Be very conscious of your manner of approach towards anyone you meet, it goes a long way in getting your request done.

This is just me sharing my thoughts and what I feel is right but I'm always open to contributions in the comment section.

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