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Arguments - How Far Should It Go?

Arguments have so many definitions when I looked it up on Google but I'm not going to put this write up on the focus of arguments being a fact or statement used to support a proposition like I saw as one if it's definition.

I want to write about argument as a verbal dispute - A Quarrel

Arguments are mostly done to get to a conclusion from points or proposition given. But we would agree that there are arguments that end up in a fight and nothing good comes out of it - Although some would take a sense from it even if it ended badly.

Why do some arguments end up badly?


Proving right! Each party involved in an argument wants to prove right. Most people involved in such arguments don't have an open mind, they just want to make their point stand solid and make sure to win the argument without them listening to the others point - By listening, I mean "Taking a little thought on what the person said".


I was on a train journey some time ago listening to my music when I heard a loud noise from different voices and I listened to hear that some men were arguing so readily about the difference between using a train and a vehicle for traveling.

Firstly, I felt that wasn't a topic to be argued about by them since they were in the train and they must have all experienced using a vehicle before. That aside, I tried to listen to their points even though two were talking at the same time and I noticed one of the men was raising his voice higher than the others. Maybe he is the one I talked about - Making sure to be heard and to win.


I kept watching them and listening to what started to seem like a waste of time and energy on their own part. Then I heard one of the man said something "There is nothing you will say that I will believe it's the truth than what I just told you guys" - He had a closed mind about the whole thing from beginning.

I began to feel if there was something else they were arguing about that I wasn't aware of... The argument seemed too serious for such a mild topic. They argued for almost two hours and it ended before two hours because the leading man got to his destination. He highlighted from the train but not after taking the contact of one of them he argued with... Argument to be continued I guess.

I believe arguments when done properly should involve the parties giving their points without obstructing or downgrading another. Or maybe that wouldn't be an argument anymore? I don't know but there must be a way to end an argument quietly and everyone goes off feeling okay with it and learnt something from it.

What do you have to say about arguments that end badly? I would like to read your opinions.

Thanks for reading!!!