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A Fixed And Growth Mindset

The mind is a very powerful aspect of our body that controls the way our lives turn out to be and this is why it is being trained to what we want it to be and for we to become who we want to become. Our minds are controlled by our thoughts and how we do things, it reflects on the way we live our lives so what mindset do you have? Do you have the fixed or growth mindset?


The fixed mindset is either good at something or don't know how to. These set of people don't try to learn what they don't know, they stick to what they already know and even try to prove that they're too good in that area so they don't need to learn more. The growth mindset can learn to do anything they want, they just keep learning to be better.

The fixed mindset sees failure as a limit to abilities. One with a fixed mindset continues to fail because loss of confidence from past failures, they get easily scared to try out something they've once failed in. But the growth mindset sees every failure as an opportunity to grow. Someone once said "My failures makes me best at what I do" Failures are meant to bring out your best because no one wants to fail repeatedly so you'd work even harder and think better after a failure.

While a fixed mindset fears and hates challenges, a growth mindset takes any challenges on it's way, learn from it, accept it's mistakes and grow through the challenges. The fixed mindset runs away from challenges which is like "Accepting defeat even before going for a fight". Fear is a huge factor that has stopped so many minds from growing, once it is eliminated, a growth mindset is bound to be present.

A fixed mindset is jealous by the success of others. They are always busy looking at others success and talk about people's success forgetting to do something about their own success. Some would find ways to discourage a growing or a successful mind because they are afraid to try what a growth mind is trying. The growth mindset is inspired by the success of others, there's no doubt about that.

A fixed mindset refuses to grow because it never wishes to leave its comfort zone to try new things. They stick to the old methods of doing things and keep getting the same result but would not worry about it because they are too scared to fail. The growth mindset wants to learn every new thing that it comes across because that way, it just keeps growing.

In essence, a fixed mindset would reflect a bad personality and so would a growth mindset reflect a great personality, we've just got to train our minds to grow in every area of our lives and not remain in our comfort.

What's your mindset? Or is there a mindset that's neither a fixed nor a growth mindset... What would such mindset be? Just wondering.

Thanks for reading!!!