Corona is a hoax

I don't care about corona and vaccines. If I think the corona is something made up by the government for a purpose that we don't know about. But if I think it's all about money, they only think about money, they don't care about the lives of people who are suffering because of corona. Life in the midst of this pandemic really makes people's lives very miserable. I can say from an economic point of view, because they cannot work to support their families, and many other things make people miserable.

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And now a new problem arises, namely vaccines. Which means that if people do not inject vaccines, they will not get any assistance from the government. Now we have to have a vaccine certificate, so we are free to go anywhere. And if we don't have a vaccine certificate, then we can't go anywhere. For example, when you are sick and want to be hospitalized, if you don't have a vaccine certificate, you can't be hospitalized. And what's even worse, if any of our family are sick and hospitalized. Then our family dies, then they will say that the cause of our family's death is because of corona.

Vaccine? I think those who need to be injected with the vaccine are those who work for the government. Nah! We are just ordinary people, why do we vaccinate, we don't work for the government. We earn money with our hard work, without being given by the government. Maybe injecting a vaccine to prevent corona, how to prevent corona when corona never existed. It's all bullshit, I don't care about corona and vaccines. Because without corona, we will all die eventually, so there's no need to be afraid about the bullshit corona. ;)

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