Something wicked

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes", a line said by the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth

Halloween is a fun holiday for children, with costumes and parties and door-to-door trick-or-treating, filling their treat bags with goodies that the neighbors are handing out.

As a child, I can remember my friends and I deciding to skip some of the houses that were too scary.

Some of the decorations are a bit scary in the dark, but so are the costumes some of the children choose to wear! It's all in good fun! I can understand why so many kids choose Super Hero costumes!

The sign says Haunted House and I can imagine that in the dark it looks pretty haunted!

Happy Halloween!

gifs created by @irisworld are available in the Ecency Discord assets channel

gif by @irisworld

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