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A great evening for me here and am using this medium to greet everyone on the platform, I hope you are all doing well. I am writing this moment about my new gadget which I just got not too long if I am not mistaking I think I got it 3 days ago after I saw it on my friend and I got the privilege to test it because there are different type of ear pod which do not last long so to get some strong and long lasting pod there are some things which would be taken into consideration so I tested the ear pod which my friend got and I was able to confirm it and I had no choice than to make order for myself also.

I made the order from an online delivery company who always transport order goods to people irrespective of their locations, but when I wanted to make the order, the product which I wanted to make the order for luckily for me it was still available so i took the order without wasting any much time because the situation of this country is that any opportunity which someone has, that person should quickly utilize the opportunity. Every thing in this our current country is getting costly and things are getting high in price. if I should postpone my getting of the earpod, it may get worst that I won't be able to buy it again and I si spend the morning elsewhere.

After 4 days of making the order online, it was later delivered to me and I charged it until it become full and I have used for over w day without charging it almost getting to the second day and it still has a very big battery. I have BEEN enjoying the product which I bought. Some of the feature which I saw about the earpod was the finger touch and the sensitivity is very high because it shows maturity.

It can last for a long time, because I used it heavily for houss, yet the product do not go off immediately which means I didn't waste my money getting the Pod reason is that it is affordable and even it is a pocket size one which can be used as a fashion because it look do good and one of the reason why so many people feel like getting the earpod.

Thanks for reading through my post