Perfect.... let's rapport with quotes

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When we have an idea that we think it can transform someone or our life, we should not hesitate to carry it, we should not wait until we have a satisfactory situation, we should work on it because if we fail to do it, one day someone else will build a product just like what you think of, and you will be filled with regret, then you will be saying " I also have this similar idea, but I could not start".

How perfection can turn out to your greatest enemy

Firstly, it will take time before an idea enters into our mind. We might not have adequate information about it, and we start having some doubt deep within us, and most times. This issue of perfection Always stops us before we start.

You just have to think about the time we spent before we make a move towards our goals and think about how you carry it out better and when you get to realize that you can do it better, you will stop and be saying you will do it in a better way tomorrow. And you will end up achieving nothing. And it could be something about your dream.

How you can handle the thought of being perfect

Nonetheless looking for perfection is excellent, and trying to do something good as soon as possible is alright, but when you make your first attempt and you realize is not perfect, don't stop doing it, you just have to take another step and keep on learning, and you get to know that you are getting better when you're doing it.

And that' s why Kim Collins says and I quote "you have to strive for continuous improvement, rather than perfection"

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Perfection: being perfect is in everybody mind, and you will be thinking and be saying things like, once I earn much I will start up a business, once I switch to my current job now, I'm going to follow my dream, once i retained extra time, I will start going to the gym, once I have limited task, I will start enjoying my life e.t.c all your thought is that everything will be perfect at once forgetting that good thing take time.

How seeking for perfection first can undermine one's life

Sometimes, you want to think of what you want to be, like a singer, an artist, a writer, a painter or anything you can think of, and luckily , you have a chance to partake in an occurrence to showcase your potential and capacity, and you make an excuse that you are not organized, you will miss the opportunity while waiting for perfection.

And that why Vince Lombardi says and I quote " perfection is not logical, but if we hunt for perfection we can catch greatness"

When you went for an interview and you did not go well, when you are back from a holiday trip and few things are left to explore or we want to watch a movie with great expectation, but it turns out to be less than that. All that happened is alright, it is not perfect, keep on learning.

Most time, we always end up being disappointed because we did not perform as we expect or something under- performed from our expectations. You just have to know that at times, things don't happen in our own way, Life is unpredictable and that is the enthusiasm about life. The secret of lasting pleasure is to enjoy the adventure and never stop learning.

And that why Eugene Delacroix said and I quote "the artist who is aiming to be perfect in everything achieves it in nonentity."

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Hence, if you did not sing perfectly, it is alright, if you did not play perfectly it is alright. You just have to be wise enough to accept that we cannot be perfect at everything, but as long as you like it, keep on doing it, keep enjoying and keep on moving

As a member of this platform, we should always do the needful even though when it seems we are not yet perfect, just put in your best in all you do. it's true that you can't be perfect, but you can always work towards perfection.

~Leo Tolstoy said and I quote "You will never be contented if you look for perfection"

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