Dream Achiever


Let me ask, what is your dream?

Have you ever ask yourself this question, will I achieve my dream in my lifetime?

I know you are willing to achieve your dream.

But what odds did you give yourself?

Is it one in five, one in a thousand, or one in a million? It all depends on you to choose an odd.

Yeah, I know that so many people have a dream, they dream to be great.

In so many times, I've ask People about their dream, some will tell you and describe it willingly with enthusiasm, while some feel reluctant to say it, maybe they might feel embarrassed, I never can tell.
But let me tell you, this kind of person can't test their dream. They are not sure about their aim, maybe they are aiming too high or too low, they never can tell if they would achieve their dream is they might probably fail.

These are the steps you should take to achieve your dream

1) Dream it: Every great achievement you will make has to begin from your mind, your mind must be ready to dare to dream and to believe that what you dream about will be possible.

Have you ever take your time to ask " what if?", You just have to dream big. Don't allow a negative thought to prevent you from achieving your dream, believe that everything is possible, if there is any dream that cold yin you, just re-ignite the dream, and fan the flames. Don't let it go, because life is too short for that.

2) believe it: your dream must be believable, and work hard towards it, dream of what is possible, and have a good dream like a person who has never been to college before and dreams about having a $40 million-a-year company, yeah, that's indeed a good dream that is believable.

A bad dream is when a 90-years-old man will someday run a marathon in under an hour, you can see that the dream is big, but it can never be possible, and unbelievable. The old man should rather dream of what is possible for him to achieve

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3) see it: A dreamer will always picture how the future will be, they already see themselves walking around their CEO office while they are still at their folding chair, seeing themselves among world-class when you see all this it will groom your mind to carry out your dream.

4) Tell it: so many dreams don't come to reality because they are always keeping their dream to themselves, it will only live inside them. anyone who wants his/ her dream to be achieved must be ready to tell it to people, they reason are

As we say it continually, we will begin to believe it, talking about it made it possible, and saying it out give us moral to do it so that we will not look foolish to them.

5) Plan it: you will always get what you planned for, you can't just watch your dream and see it happen, you have to sit down and draw a plan on how to accomplish your dream, break Everything down, and began to work on it. Then set a time frame for you to achieve your dream plan.

6) Work it: Achievers always work on their goals in achieving their dream, when a dream is being worked on each day, it will be achieved eventually.


7) Enjoy it: Be sure to enjoy your dream when you reach your goal, you just have to enjoy the trip too and Don't forget to give yourself a huge reward along the way and also when you get there. Try to be gracious and generous by making people enjoy it too, your dream must be beneficial to others. And by this time, you will have to go back to No 1 and dream bigger.

These are just a few things you need to achieve your dream

         Dream big.......

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