POBPhotoContest - Fabric || Tejido [ENG/ESP]

“Beautiful fabrics last; synthetics don't. Certain fabrics, such as linen or cotton, develop their own character over time.”

John Rocha

Fabric || Tejido

Since ancient times, human beings have felt the need to protect themselves from the cold, rain and extreme weather conditions, which is how weaving came into being.

This small cloth of Austrian manufacture, and that I use it to cover a table, I bought it almost 30 years ago, during a trip I made with my wife to a small town located in a mountainous area in the center of the country, called Colonia Tovar, which was founded in 1843 by a group of Bavarian immigrants seeking a better life in the new world, and that today, has become a major tourist destination, mainly for its customs, the architecture of its buildings and its cuisine, reflecting its German roots.

Desde tiempos remotos, el ser humano se vió en la necesidad de protegerse del frío, de la lluvia y de las condiciones climáticas extremas, con lo cual nace el tejido.

Este pequeño paño de manufactura austríaca, y que la uso para recubrir una mesa, la compré hace casi 30 años atrás, durante un paseo que realizara en compañía de quien era mi esposa a un pequeño poblado ubicado en una zona montañosa del centro del país, llamado Colonia Tovar y que fuese fundado en 1843 por un grupo de inmigrantes bávaros que buscaban una mejor vida en el nuevo mundo, y que hoy en día, se ha convertido en un destino turístico de primer orden, principalmente por sus costumbres, la arquitectura de sus edificaciones y su gastronomía, que reflejan sus raíces alemanas.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the #POBPhotoContest challenge. This is an initiative of @friendlymoose. I hope you enjoy it.

Esta es mi participación para el desafío #POBPhotoContest. Esta es una iniciativa de @friendlymoose. Espero que lo disfruten.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 30-06-2023

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