Enjoyment and satisfaction of one's life

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Yesterday night was Saturday night, I was invited by my friends to go out. I think we'll go hang out at a cafe or coffee shop. But it turned out that I was taken to a nightclub with very loud beat music. OMG, this is my first time walking into a nightclub. I saw many people dancing to the beat of the music and the influence of the alcohol they consumed. There I was invited to drink alcohol and dance on the dance floor. But I refused. I just sat on the chair and enjoyed the soft drink I ordered.

From my seat, I watched those who were enjoying the happiness of their life that night. So I think that human nature tends to seek pleasure. But tonight, the pleasure they seek is only superficial and momentary. They don't even have any benefit other than their pleasure. Don't they know that enjoyment like that can have bad consequences in the future?

I am reminded of a book I once read that was written by Martin Seligman. The book explains pleasure and gratification, namely a good understanding of the meaning of a life that is fun but also meaningful. In an article, Martin explains that many humans need happiness so they seek and prioritize temporary pleasures. Just like what I saw that night. At this time, modern humans are very dependent on the various pleasures that exist. As a result, their time is spent only thinking about entertainment for them to enjoy. So that the enthusiasm for actualization is away from themselves.

From this experience, I learned about human nature which does not understand the meaning of life satisfaction. Since I was in high school, I often searched and read books that explained the meaning of one's life. The pleasure needed should be involved actively, not passively. We can get this pleasure from activities that we like, such as sports, reading books, playing music, to helping people who have economic difficulties. With such activities, we will not only get pleasure, but our lives will be more meaningful and our quality of life will increase.

To seek the enjoyment of quality life, there must be achievements to be achieved. To achieve this achievement, usually, a person will experience failure, frustration, to suffering. We must have consistency in the journey to achieve it. It is not easy, but there will be inner satisfaction if that goal is achieved. This is the highest pleasure in human life. Even though no human wants to suffer in life, we don't live to seek pleasure. There must be challenges to be faced. That way, the experience that is lived will be more meaningful and we will feel more satisfied with ourselves.

That was a little discussion about enjoyment and life satisfaction, I hope this article is useful for readers. Thank you and regards.

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