RE: POBphotocontest Winners: CANDY

I found about this competition thanks to @melinda010100 talking about it. Thing is at that time due to our country not having any specific candy shops nor our city or close by area I thought to my self I cannot compete in this competition however I was wrong from the photos I see that people just took photos of candies may be they were not placed in a specialized candy store. There are many stores in our area that are general stores but do sell candies foreign chocolates like toblerone, snickers, mars, twix, etc etc If I had known about this I would simply take photos of these candies from these general stores but not to be my mistake in understanding the rules of the competition has gotten me into failure and a missed opportunity really. Any ways congratulations to the winners and hopefully next time I can participate but if I do not understand the guidelines of the competition I will be asking questions to make sure I follow them while providing my entry.

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