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Liotes Ranking Update

This morning we have updated the liotes ranking. We have added the credits from missions and from engagement on our posts, we have updated the points from delegations and also from staking LENM.

We still have @solymi in the lead but @pixiepost has reduced the difference and is much closer now. In third place we still have @jongolson but there is now @horstman5 in 4th position who has overtaken @idiosyncratic1. What is interesting to see is that these two together with @jfang003 have earned most of their points by engaging with our mission posts and the liotes posts in general. It's the proof that you don't need a big investment to be in the top 5 of the Liotes ranking!

Liotes voter adding value to the community

The primary objective of the @liotes.voter is to support the members of the community. It is doing that by giving upvotes to quality posts of the members of our community.

We have realized that lately less posts are being created and this is a pity. It seems that lower Hive prices discourage people from posting especially from posting good content. What we should remember is that the value of a post is always the same expressed in hive whether prices are high or low.

Post when people don't

When there are few people posting, there are still all the curators out there looking for good content. In such times, it's worth to create interesting content. You might get upvotes that previously went to other people who are not creating posts at the moment. In the end your posts will get more upvotes and more value in Hive.


A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


▶️ 3Speak