Making an Ecency like Proof of Brain Interface

Ecency Adapted to Proof of Brain?


When looking at front ends 🧠there are two that stand above the rest. These two are PeakD and Ecency. I am not being paid by @ecency for this post but it may seem a little biased for lack of negativity.

One of the many features I like is the advanced editor. You don't need to know Markdown anymore. Not only can you do all the things you're probably doing now in your posts without needing to use the markup language but you have emojis you can
add snippets which are texts you often add to your texts.

You can set a post set for Proof of Brain to reblog to your blog with two clicks: Click 'Advanced' and click 'Reblog'. You can schedule posts to post at another time.

Notifications work fine

There is a handy Search Box:

The search bar has an advanced option so you can find posts that were written by a specific author which contains a specific phrase, for example,

You can open comments and check out the edit history. If someone says, he never posted something and then edits his post, you can send people there to catch him in the lie.

You can look at the votes and see how much each are worth.

No other front end has these last two features.

There is also a built-in wallet, a proposal and a witness voting system. This package also has a desktop and a mobile app.

What does this have to do with Us?

As the title suggests. I'm going to take the code that Ecency runs and modify it so that it uses POB for displaying everything in terms of POB. The old site will continue and a sister site based on Ecency will spring up. After some time, when @proofofbrainio decides, the new interface will be the primary site and the other can remain as a backup site.