Using Household Wastes To Feed My Chickens


Now, I have 3 chickens. One has laid eggs everyday and the other two are going to be 3,5 months old. Chickens will lay eggs after 3,5 months. Now, the two chickens are still 3 months old. I am waiting for the chickens to lay eggs.

Household waste to minimize the cost


I use household waste to feed my chickens. The wastes are rice, vegetables, potatos, corns and other unused but edible household wastes. The wastes are still edible. I dry the waste. To feed the chickens, I must make fermentation from the waste first. To make fermentation is easy. You need unused or dried rice, boiled vegetables, waste from rice-mil (dedek in my country), and factory made chicken food.

Here are the composition

1/ 3 of dedek, 1/3 dried rice. And 1/3 of factory made chicken food. The vegetables are additional, you can give them whatever you like. Mix all the ingredients and put the mixture in a closed container. Let it for a night. In the morning, you will smell fermentation from the mixture.
Chikcens will like the composition. They will eat hungrily if you add boiled vegetables.

Three months ago

I plan to breed more chicks in the future but I need to make chicken cage. I plan to breed around 20 chickens. I know the characteristics of chickens so that I can keep them healthy. Besides that, I plan to a breed male chicken so that I can produce chicks. To produce chicks, I need hatching machine but I think, I will use local chicken to hatch the eggs.

Three months ago

Do you like chickens? I think it is a real life game of breeding chickens. It is interesting to have more chickens because you will have more eggs everyday.

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