Sun May Cause Global Warming Not Carbon Dioxide

In Western and European countries, there have been many activists who have spread campaigns to stop oil. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are said to be the major causes of global warming.
The activists bring their narrative to social media with not respectable protests like blocking the road and painting some car dealers.
Let's check out the balance of scientific study to fight climate change ideology.

Cow manure is said to be the cause of climt change LOL😇😇😇😇😮😮

A new study by nearly two dozen scientists found that rising global temperatures may be caused by the sun, rather than carbon dioxide. According to The Australian, a paper by 23 solar physics and climate science experts from 14 different countries, the 16 most prominent datasets of solar output show solar energy is more of a cause for global warming than carbon dioxide.

People should be smart enough to watch and see the clmate change propaganda on social media and in the news. It looks like it is following the success of copid-19 spread.

In Southeast Asia, there haven't been any such protests by the climate activists. Southasean people are more aggressive when facing those kinds of protesters. If they do so in our country , they may face public riots. Blocking roads, painting showrooms will face resistance from people who see them. There may be clashes between activists and people. Seeing the characteristics of South Asean people, those kinds of protest may be different. In fact, the propaganda about climate chnge hasn't affected our country. Mainstream media that post about clmt change will earn low ratings of views.

In the end, climte change is more about narrative than scientific argumentation. So, we do not have to worry about that.

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