POB Price Prediction

This is the chart of the POB price about a month ago. The POB price was around $0.154 with a daily volume of $640.
Let's compare that with the data today.

POB-Hive0.06750.044733 % Decline
POB-USD$0.155$0.068955,5% Decline
Volume$640$18171.7% Decline

The overall POB token performance in the market suffered a 53 % decline. This is a fact that all POB fans, investors, and developers should admit. They must be willing to listen to and accept criticism.
All the efforts that have been made by all POB stakeholders have had no positive impact on the POB token performance in the market.

It is a matter of math.

I could not get the data of the POB stakeholders today, but I still have the data of stakeholders from a month ago.
With 81.47 % staked, 18.24 % liquid, and 0.29 % burn , POB token supply was too high when we compare with a few months before. A few months ago, the liquid tokens were only 11%.
What is the liquid or tradable token count today? I am not sure. Can you give me the data? From the price performance, I have a prediction that the number of liquid tokens will be more than 20%. It means that more people unstake, or sell POB rewards from their posts. On the other hand, there is no consistent buyer in the marketplace.
VYP token issuance does not have a high impact on the rise of the POB price because the VYB price also suffers a price decline. The lack of liquidity back-up assets is the problem for POB. It is just a matter of math. The developer of a group of POB supporters should collect liquidity backed assets to buy back POB tokens in the market. The liquidity backed asset should be able to reduce the amount of POB liquid tokens in the market by 10 %. If there is no organized movement to sky rocket the POB price, I think it is hard for the POB token to increase the price naturally. There are too many competitors from other tribes that absord liquidity backed assets like Hive and HBD in the Hive-engine marketplace.
Thanks for reading. I hope all POB readers and supporters will read this post and will accept criticism with open minds.

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