Wiz Drip 10. Drop Into Your Heart

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 10 - Fear

Fear, you’re such a majestic companion, so gracious and kind when sharing your pool with souls wondering shoeless-clueless around your sphere. What a sales genius. Attractive, unbeatable when offering you its friendship on every corner of visible and invisible streets.

A glorious vampire eager to suck the life force out of the players lost in the maze, looking for an appreciative tribe. You hijack the minds, twisting realities and bending dimensions to survive. You know this game in and out.

How can you thrive when fear pulls you back, encapsulating your spirit in a mysterious spider web designed to drive you nuts?

Expand fellow sisters and brothers. Open up. Do the opposite; offer this low-frequency gangster a gigantic surprise. You’re a galactic chess player who can break any pattern when you operate from love.

Protect your kidneys. Control the adrenaline flames and spikes.

Be smart.

Drop into your heart, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

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