Uncommon life lessons learnt from corporate organizations

When you are new in the corporate world, it feels like the beginning of a new learning experience. At least it felt that way when I got in few months after I graduated from University.

And I learned quite a lot.

The first I entered this open office, I couldn't hide my excitement. Everyone I met on the seat that early morning were neatly dressed. I had genuine admiration for a lot of people I met there. I still do and I'm grateful for all I learnt.

One of the things I learnt from the time I spent in the corporate world is that "being on good terms with everyone only mostly exists in movies".

From my understanding, there is a certain level of jealousy that appears to be common in organisations.

No one may resent you so much to the extent of pulling a trigger on you. I mean, they are also humans and they are meant to be corporate, not a bunch of mafias. But don't be surprised to know that even a close office buddy can engage in schemes to hinder your growth.

The corporate people call this a corporate competition or corporate warfare and it exists within every organisation. It is also visible between organisations.

You do be surprised to know that some team leaders and executives are one of those instigating this bad blood between teammates.

And so it begins!


The corporate warfare!

This in itself becomes an eyesore because competitions are meant to be healthy and to bring about efficiency. Otherwise, it will result in an unhealthy relationship between colleagues.

Unfortunately, those who do not know any better will always engage in unhealthy competition. They can step on toes and hate people all they want so that they will be on the good book of higher executives.

Is this behaviour only visible in corporate organizations?

Unhealthy competition? Argghhh!

It's a general societal phenomenon, but I got to see it in raw form when I was entangled with the corporate world. Truth be told, even now that I'm keeping a safe distance from the corporate world, I still can't say that I've seen the end of this.

I'm lucky to have a family that - as far as I know, are quick to celebrate the success of everyone. But I can't say the same about every other family out there.

Do know that I don't mean to be judgmental. The issue is that I've also seen how resentful many can be towards their family members. They plot for each other's failure and extends this to the wider society. A great deal of this unhealthy competition also happens online.

I for one know that this isn't supposed to be so. It's growing wings by the day and getting worse. Most painfully so!

Here are some tips for EVERYONE

  • Always compete healthily.

  • Another person's success is not a constraint to yours.

  • Learn to celebrate people's success and

  • Quit being resentful

Do this in your workplace and in everything you do. It's all part of being human.

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