Swearing on your life? That's a No-no!

You will learn many things in life but remember this.

It is unwise and unreasonable to swear on your life.

I don't know how people feel comfortable swearing on their life, but it's not something that piques my fancy in any way. I don't even swear on an inanimate object, why would I do that on my precious life? Lol.

The thing is, I've got to admit that I have never seen anyone that died because they swore in their life.

People know that they can tell a lie and swear on their life as a way to back up the lie. After all, even if they are caught, they would just laugh it off and carry on with their life.

Perhaps, this same known fact has made many swear on their life in some situations. The desperate ones go to the extent of swearing on the lives of their loved ones just to sell a lie. And it's ludicrous to imagine this.

I wonder how silly it would be to hear that Mr.A died because Mr.B swore on Mr.A's life. It's insane!

For the record, swearing on your life and going against your word on the spot may not bite you immediately. It may NEVER bite you in your lifetime, but it's not worth it.

Here is a logical downside of swearing on our life

We all know of some set of people who we cannot trust a single word that comes out of their lips. No kidding, even if such people says good morning, we need to cross-check before answering in affirmation.


The rest of the world sees such people as manipulative and untrustworthy because their action shows that they can reach any height to maintain a lie.

Left for me, I don't swear on my life and I don't swear on anything. My Yes is Yes and my No is No.

Swearing on my life may mean NOTHING and it may not come with any repercussion per se. But it's a no-no for me.

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