Summer Lifestyle: The summer drinks that whets my appetite.

There are times when I try hard to understand how we still stay sane in this part of the world despite the hotness of the weather. The sun is really hitting us hard and I can't for the life of me understand why everywhere can still be very hot even when it's been raining for most of the day.

Hah! I thought being in the rainy season would save us from the heat that comes with summer, but as it stands, everywhere is still hot. It's almost like we will be experiencing summer throughout the year. I dunno. This means I still have to stick with the things I casually do to keep myself cool and avoid the inconveniences that come with hot seasons.

Since this post is basically about summer drinks, I will get to that in a minute, but lemme highlight a few other things that help me relax whenever the weather is hot;

  • Water: I take a lot of water to stay hydrated and I try to take cold baths as often as possible, especially when I'm about to sleep.

  • Air: I don't have enough time to walk into a serene environment filled with trees, but my fan does a really good job of keeping everywhere chill. The downside to this is that we can't boast of a 24/7 electricity supply over here.

Summer Drinks


I believe I'm very picky about what I drink. I don't take any alcoholic drinks and I don't take all those 'energy boosters' or whatever they are called. If I'm so drained or stressed that I can't go on with my activity for the day, I will gently disconnect from the internet and take a quick nap. No cap.

With that said, it's important to note that all the drinks I take are preferably taken cold. They include;

1. Hollandia Yoghurt: This is the most expensive drink I take, so far. I prefer to get the biggest size and take it at home where I can empty a portion of it in my mug and sip it like a gentleman. Haha. It's harder to sip this instead of emptying the mug in one try. It tastes really good and goodness knows I have a sweet tooth. That's why I prefer to take this with my mug to avoid taking too much of it.

2. Teem Lemon: Teem lemon is just like soda drinks... The likes of Fanta, Coca-Cola and Co. It's quite different in taste because unlike the rest which is meant to be 'sweet', teem Lemon has a lemon-lime flavour which makes it bitterish. Haha. Whenever I'm taking it, the drink gives me the same feeling I get when I hear people talk about herbal concoctions.

3. Malt: I don't know how popular Malt drinks are outside Nigeria, but they are really popular over here. When I was growing up, Malt was the go-to drink for 'adults' who were not interested in alcohol. At the moment, I can afford to buy it whenever I want, but I don't take it too much because it's a very sugary drink. I don't think I've taken Malt this year, but it always gets considered whenever I decide to get a drink.

For some unexplainable reason, I barely feel any craving for any sort of drink. It's very rare for me to wake up any day and feel the need to take a drink. But, if I ever decide to get a drink, it will surely be one of the three mentioned in this post.

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