Lifehack - How to live a better life

Life can be a nice piece of adventure, filled with nice experiences and sound memories. It can also be pain-filled with sadness and boredom.

Life hits us like the two sides of a coin. The good news is, in all these, it's left for us to choose the side of life we want and work towards it. Left for me, I will always choose the side of life that displays all the good and happiness in this world. But that's just me.

Everyone has their choice to make.

For those that are interested in living better and seeing the good aspect of this world, do well to take note of this tip and subsequently put it into practice

Learn to continuously train your mind

Our minds can drive us crazy with a lot of thoughts about why things are the way they are and why other stuff are the way they are not ought to be. The way our mind works is that it often paints mental pictures of possible outcomes attached to whatever we are doing or planning to do.


It becomes harder when we've already had some experience of a particular thing that didn't go down well with us. The thought of having another go at this brings fear into our minds. This makes it hard for our minds to see the positives attached to getting involved with a particular activity.

Fear is bad news to anyone that wants to have a better life. It clouds their judgement and keeps them stagnant. Whenever fear creeps into the mind, it makes people settle for less and kills their enthusiasm.

Let's be practical

Being afraid is all part of being human. We all have our fears, but we need to always have it in mind that when the chips are down, anyone that cowers due to fear will have no chance at all. This is where it becomes important to keep walking and working towards what we want even if it's crystal clear that we are scared of the unknown.

Do recall that the more you do this, the more your mind will get to think differently about whatever you were scared of.

I have to admit that training your mind to overcome fear is not a walk in the park. If you have already started this journey, kudos to you. If you haven't but are willing to begin, please go for it.

One of the best ways to do this is by being the audience of those that have already walked the path of overcoming fear. Listen to their experience, get the how-to's from them and throw in your questions whenever the need arises.

One thing you should never do is bottle up your fears. It's like covering up cancer. Of course, it never ends well.

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