It's another round of DreemportChallenge - Bring It On!

Here comes the SECOND week of the 2nd #DreemPortChallenge and we are still having a blast in the #ThoughtfulDailyPost community by @wesphilbin.

Banner created in Canva | Image by Nandhu Kumar from Pixabay. Used with permission from @wesphilbin

I am THANKFUL to everyone that joined the fun last week. It is always exciting to inspire people with our work, but like you already know, it's not just about the writing. #DreempPortChallenge gives everyone equal opportunity to curate and rate other entries.

Yeah, the public will choose winners and you can be part of "the public". Haha. By the end of the day, all entrants will get deserved appreciation.

You get the gist, eh?
This is a FRIENDLY REMINDER to everyone about the ongoing DreemPortChallenge. If you missed last week's edition, you can get involved with this. It's an open opportunity for EVERYONE.

Are you Ready? Ahaa, Let's get started!

"The tag #thoughtfuldailypost can be applied to any post that speaks of positivity, uplifting topics, inspiration, reflection (especially self-reflection), deep musings about our human nature, spiritual aspects, and other philosophical inclinations" ~ As highlighted in ThoughtfulDailyPost community

  • Make your post visible to DreemPort
DreemPort is an autonomous site (that is currently in testing - so these Challenges HELP us to test it, thanks!) that allows us to weed out low-effort content in a serious way that has never been done before.

#DreemPortChallenge is the tag that will make it easier for us to see your post!

Of course, you can post from any Community or front-end. You can also post from other blogging worlds - Readcash, Medium, name it!

Those that are already part of Dreemport curators can submit their posts directly to the site. Every other person can send their URL to this post.

Note: All entries for this week need to be submitted by Tuesday 4 pm PST (12 am GMT, 7 pm EST).

All approved entries will be curated on Wednesday. We will get to know the winners on Thursday.

  • Stick to the rules of Thoughtfuldailypost
  1. Original content only.
  2. No plagiarism.
  3. Use proper sources and citations for all content created.
  4. Be thoughtful.

And that's it. Have fun with this and remember to submit your entries on Tuesday. Thoughtful Tuesday is the name. Hehe.

Here is another fun part of this Challenge

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Ahaaa... This better be fun. Haha.

Yeah, time to show your TEAM SPIRIT. If you make an entry to #DreemPortChallenge from any front-end on hive (@peakd, @ecency, etc) or another blogging world (outside Hive), feel free to add a banner of the front-end to your post.

For example, this is published via @peakd so, I will be using this banner.

It's meant to be fun so, remember to CLICK HERE to get a banner about the front-end you intend to post from.

Emmmmm... Wait! What about THE REWARD?

ALL ENTRANTS will be receiving a 25% DreemPort upvote (plus votes from those who follow our trail) and 10 Dreem tokens. We really want to honor EVERYONE that came out to support this first semi-public challenge!

Our WINNERS will be receiving 100% upvote from Dreemport (and trail), 50 Dreem tokens, and an exclusive DreemPort profile frame to show off their win on DreemPort 😊!

Just so you know, 1 Dreem Token is worth $0.069. Yummy. Haha.

Winners will be announced on Thursday.

Don't Miss it ✌️


Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma

Banner from #thoughtfuldailypost community, used with permission.

All DreemPort images are created by @jimramones and are only to be used with permission from DreemPort.

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