Do you know a thing or two about malaria?


Numbers are always correct. Stats don't lie, and I happen to be someone that believes in statistics and numeric representation of data.

Recently, I came across a stat that many people will consider scary. This is all about malaria which is seen as 'one of the most common diseases' over here. I don't need any formal research to know this because whenever anyone has any slight change in body temperature, the person goes to a nearby chemist to buy malaria drugs.

Yeah, the illness is very common over here. It is also one of the illnesses that have led to high self-medication because almost everyone knows a thing or two about anti-malaria meds. Sadly, I don't see the self-medication stopping any time soon. It is already accepted customarily over here.

Malaria is not considered a deadly disease by many people because it's very common. But, a few days ago, I read a post that was made about World Malaria Day which holds every 25th of April. While reading the post, I decided to do more research about this 'common disease'. The stats I got were utterly unbelievable.

For the record, the information from WHO's website shows that an estimate of 627,000 deaths was recorded due to malaria in 2021. Like many other diseases, the death rate seems to be on the increase year-in-year-out. The site said a bunch of other stuff about the causes of malaria, preventive measures and the right step to take when you notice the symptoms.

The question is, will people work with all these even if they are aware of the danger of malaria?

That's a big question, to be fair.

Even as I'm writing this, I have to emphasise that this malaria talk is going to need some getting used to. You know, it starts from a bite by an infected mosquito and we are slowly getting into the rainy season in Nigeria so, there will be a lot of mosquitoes ready to spread this disease.

Of course, you can be like me and have these insecticides at home.


Nonetheless, mosquitoes are like hilarious but annoying friends that will always tag along even when you are trying to distance yourself from them.

I've always been mindful of my health and I try as much as possible to keep my environs free from mosquitoes. But, with this new stat I discovered about malaria and whatnot, I would have to strengthen my territory.

I don't want any illness, especially not malaria. I hope y'all take note of this and steer clear of anything that may cause malaria.


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