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Beat the Monday blues - Just try ✌️

🎶"Woke up this morning feeling fine"🎶

Just a few hours ago, before going to bed, I was running out of words to describe how excited I was feeling after witnessing another record-smashing moment that was displayed by the scousers in Stamford bridge.

What a performance. What a team. I was full of appreciation for the progress and improvement that is currently visible in the gameplay of Liverpool. I'm still full of appreciation, but hey, it's a new week and I've got to face it head-on.

Waking up this morning with a smile is a sign that today will be a good day. I'm already sober from the whole excitement that the weekend brought to my doorstep. And I'm all set to do the needful this week. Being enthusiastic from the beginning of the week will always be a plus, and those in need of a Monday boost can check out some motivational quotes to get them started.

To be honest, I know that a whole lot of people are always feeling awkward about Monday mornings and that awkwardness is something they can never get used to.

You can at least make your Mondays better with these tips;

Enjoy your weekend to a T

The weekend is for relaxation, go for it and have a blast. I can't say this enough, but I've got to make it known that you've got to enjoy your weekend in a way that appeals to you. I bet you've had enough of work throughout the weekdays so, use the weekend to relax your mind and refill your energy.

Wake up early enough on Mondays

This will invariably put you in the right mood to face the rest of the day and it will also make it easier for you to start your day with a nice routine. Some people meditate, read or write early in the morning before getting set for work. Of course, this can only be possible if you wake up early enough. It also goes with saying that you need to sleep early a night before Mondays. Early to bed, early to rise. Remember?

Eat a healthy breakfast

Those that have been reading from me would already know that this isn't one of my strongholds, but I know the importance of having a proper breakfast and I'm always trying to get accustomed to it. I suggest you do the same. Remember, whatever you eat as breakfast will go a long way to determine your overall well being.

Now, I have to admit that a lot of work people do is demoralizing.

Some work in a toxic environment with people that are filled with negative vibe and that's why they are grumpy every Monday morning.

Have you ever wondered why they just can't call it quits? I mean, that's a no-brainer. If this place isn't good for you, why not change to a better workplace?

And the fact?

The fact is, they can't imagine themselves without a job. That's a dilemma! I know!

In that case, I suggest you try to make your work fun. Don't always appear serious with a mean look. Always wear a smile, compliment the fashion sense of your colleagues and also learn to take compliments. These are things that will brighten your day and when people notice the positive vibes around you, it can also make them to adopt more positive approach to work. After all, happiness is contagious.

Let's have a good week. Shall we?

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
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