Paradise: A Choice Or Illusion?


Paradise is a popular word meaning different things to each of us. A quick look at the dictionary reveals three meanings. The first meaning refers to heaven, a place prepared for those who live virtuous lives on earth according to some religions. The second meaning refers to the garden of Eden, the home of Adam and Eve before the fall as recorded in the Bible.

These two meanings are the popular ones but the focus of this piece is on the third meaning - an idea or idyllic place or state; a place of contentment and exceptional happiness.

Is Paradise A Choice?


We have been blessed with the gift of freewill that enables us to make choices. For every choice we make, there's an accompanying result or consequence. This means we think long and hard before we make any choice.

In my search for paradise after high school while awaiting my admission into the university, I had two choices - to teach in a primary school or take computer class. I felt it was time I came out from under my parents' nurturing wings and become financially independent. I'm sure my parents must have had a good laugh after my experience.

My friend who taught in a primary school put in a good word for me and I was employed to teach in the same school. I also wanted to be close to my friend. It turned out the environment was not the right place for me. It was a tough job for me. I had a difficult time understanding and handling the children which put me at loggerheads with the headmaster.

The environment became a toxic place for me and I knew so because deep down within me, I was unhappy and suffered a lot of anxiety. That was no paradise but more like my chosen hell. I felt like I was in a prison. I had to stay strong and finish the term (three months approximately) before I quit the job.

I tucked my tail between my legs and told my parents I was ready for computer class. It was one of the best choices I made. Not only did I enjoy my computer class, I liked my teacher and was the best student in the class. I remember my teacher commending me that he had yet to meet a student so fascinated with computers like me.

I felt at ease in that environment and was content. It became my paradise and I looked forward to class every day.

If I had chosen to stay in the toxic environment and my mental state became unstable as a result, I'll have myself to blame. Instead I exercised my power of choice, pulled myself out and pursued my paradise (passion). No wonder we excel at what we love to do.

Is Paradise An Illusion?


Beyond the admiration of picturesque, lovely scenes like waves on the ocean, crystal-clear waterfalls, blooming flowers, glowing sunrises and sunsets, paradise is also a state of the mind. A person may be in the center of a turbulence but deep within, he is in paradise. That we fail to see it in the physical, does it mean it's an illusion?

I believe it's not. The power to create our own paradise is in our hands, we just have to condition our minds to obey. Being in a state of contentment, happiness and peace, pursuing your passions and working towards your goals are all forms of paradise we can attain.

Of course, there are times a person may find himself in an unwanted environment or a circumstance beyond his control. He still has the power to create a paradise out of such a circumstance or he could make a hell out of it.

It boils down to the power of CHOICE.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

This article is my entry to the Proof of Brain Word Of The Week contest - PARADISE. You are invited to participate.

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