Musing on green fields, countryside and unexpected gifts.

Life in the countryside has become more intense lately as we have been working on several things in the garden and getting the house ready for the coming rainy season in two months’ time. Luckily we could get some handy persons to help with several tasks at the right time. The weather has been quite hot and humid but clouds came by to act like umbrella with some gentle breezes. I noticed that one dwarf orchid plant did survive the dry season; it was hanging on the Mok tree. The other three orchids disappeared into oblivion. I have completely forgotten about these four tiny orchids until I was stuck by these cute flowers.



Life was a bit like these orchids; there were several priorities to be kept alive in my mind. But as more unexpected problems and issues crept up, I lost the list of priorities as I had to handle more immediate problems. It’s like we have to roll along with the waves or incoming tides all the time. I wish I had thirty hours a day so I could catch up with all my unfinished tasks. I was often afraid of running short of time and that I could be in danger if I didn’t make haste.



As I got to know more local villagers and my neighbours, I realised that people, whether rich or poor, all suffered from ill health and various problems. The richer people tended to have problems which couldn’t be easily solved with money. On the other hand, poor people couldn’t get over their problems because they had not enough money. It seemed Life was trying to teach people some lessons of sharing and spreading compassion; but most people were too obsessed with their problem situations to be kind and generous with other suffering fellow humans.


My retiree neighbours had to look after their only son as he was badly affected by the injections. I met him by chance last week; he was taking a walk with his father after his two brain surgeries. Many people have been suffering from rapid cancer growth such as in the brain, lungs, colons and womb. This cancer could reach stage four within three weeks as the immune system had been wiped out. Rich people could afford comprehensive treatments and survive for a few more years. Poor people would be quite reluctant to visit hospitals so they were more likely to have a shorter period of treatment or medication and shorter life. Being afraid of not having local acquaintances left in the village, I decided to give Ivermectin to a few families who could be persuaded to take these tablets.



Last year I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to have over 80% of villagers with two or more injections. The authority did have very efficient and organised structures with monetary incentives to propel such a whirlwind project. The informal coercion, peer pressure and fear mongering were all used to achieve the official targets. I could only persuade a few families and people not to go along with the vaxx scheme. Alas, my gardener has reported to me that most of the vaxxed villagers are now sick with fever and very bad cold. What’s more: the doctors and nurses at the main hospital were all sick for no reasons.


Villagers gave me some nice plants as a thank you gift for the Ivermectin tables.


My neighbour could visit the hospital without having to show a vaxx passport or a PCR test result. Perhaps local medical staff has become suspicious of the touted vaxx which has now affected their health. Despite the strict rules, local staff acted as if these rules were nonexistent. At least two hospitals in Bangkok have stopped admitting new patients as their medical staff have been affected by sickness (after their booster jabs). Several people are talking about vaxxed people taking all the ICU beds in hospitals, making it impossible for others to get an urgent hospital treatment.




The surprising news from Phuket, one of the tourists’ favourite island, was that all restrictions such as vaxx passports, PCR tests, quarantine requirements would not be required among tourists. So, tourists traveling from abroad could land in Phuket for a week’ s holiday on the beach without all the hassles and extra expenses. I should advise my friends to plan a holiday in Thailand soon so they could escape from the adverse impact of food shortages, impending kinetic conflicts and civil disorder as a result of financial collapse later this year.




I had no idea that my effort to follow my inner voice and vague warnings to become as self-sufficient as possible over fifteen years ago could lead me to a relatively safe location in times of global crisis. That’s why my routine walk along the river has been very important to me. It’s like having some quiet moments to be receptive to nature and Mother Earth; sometimes I could hear voices from the earth and small pieces of messages were delivered to me via ‘airmail’. The brain could be so sensitive that it would pick up various messages, visions or frequencies from far away. It took me years to understand this crazy things which happened to me from time to time. Once I read up on water and frequencies; I had my answers and I learned to become quiet and still.




The green fields, bamboo woods, forest trees were all there for a reason; Mother Earth and destiny have been working hard to make sure people would have some places of nourishment and safety. The purity of intention and kind heart are so important for being in tune with Nature and getting some connection with the local guardians. It was not easy to work out all my hidden anger and resentment, to clear the deck, before free space became available for something unknown and unexpected to take place. Had I not been in this simple and peaceful environment, my life would have turned out in opposite direction. So, I am very grateful to these kind and patient guardians, Mother Earth and all invisible beings for guiding me in very healthy and spiritual direction. I will continue to do my walking meditation by the river and in front of my farmhouse.




Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

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