Beautiful Sunday: cycling along quiet country roads.

When the dirt roads became dry and the sunshine was bright, I had the urge to go cycling around the village. It’s so nice to feel like floating on air while cycling along the narrow and lonely roads. It seemed the whole village was under a spell of some witch; perhaps a princess was under deep sleep waiting for the handsome prince to rescue her with a kiss.

So, I tried my best to locate the most likely house or mansion in which the sleeping princess has been hidden. I had ni confidence that the handsome prince would arrive at the village on time. There was heavy rainstorm and weather disturbances which could become unexpected obstacle during the prince’s journey to a far flung village by the river. I heard the old warning of the elderly shaman that the right thing should be done before the following full moon night. Otherwise bad things would fallen on the villagers.

A big rainbow crystal ball was sent to me so that I could place it in ftont of the mansion where the princess was lying in deep spell on full moon night if the foreign prince didn’t manage to arrive on time. I had only two days left to locate the target. This mission seemed hopeless to me and I was very anxious for the arrival of the handsome prince from far away dimension. I wondered whether the cosmic weather conditions were favourable for the prince’s long journey.

I continued to cycle slowly along the quiet road, while trying to notice something unusual along the way. The clouds in the sky looked as if they were under some electromagnetic stresses. The cosmic winds and electromagnetic fields seemed to have changed the wind direction. I was hoping for some sign from the heavens. A message came to me via electromagnetic networks for telepathic communication; the sleeping princess was a coded message; it meant to be a black crystal carved as a celtic wand hidden inside a rock statue. It was supposed to be a hidden key to open a portal into another galaxy. Several interstellar treasure hunters have recently been hovering around the earth trying to locate this precious trophy.

The foreign prince was a code name for the celestial guardian of four directions who had been assigned the task of retrieving this black crystal wand. Those high levels guardians of the Milky Way were afraid some dark forces would want to possess this magic black key in order to gain control of all the galaxies in the Milky Way. So, I began to have a suspicion on a big new house whose owner had installed many statues in the garden. But the owner had just left the house for a long trip. I wouldn’t know how to identify the target statue any way.

Looking up at the sky, I couldn’t see any helpful signs to make my job a bit easier. I thought I could wait for the sign of the arrival of the guardian of four directions. Then, my assistant wouldn’t be needed and I could continue as if nothing weird had happened between different dimensions.

I thought I was going to have a quiet and peaceful ride around the village then something struck me on tge top of my head. Then I started having all these fanciful streams of messages in my head and my mission to assist the universe in keeping the Milky Way peaceful and undisturbed.

I was reminded of the present moment and the reality of my surroundings with its limitations or conditioning. I didn’t know i could be daydreaming while cycling. Perhaps I was affected by some weird electromagnetic frequencies emanating from outer galaxies which had managed to cross wired my synapses. So long as I couldn’t find the rainbow round crystal in my house, I would assume that I eas indeed daydreaming during my ride around the far away village by the river.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108

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