Hello hivers welcome to my first post on #pobphotocontest, was busy trying to engage on hive last week then I came across @FriendlyMoose post about pobphotocontest then I requested to be notified when the next contest comes up.
I really want to appreciate @FriendlyMoose for bringing up this week contest, this week we are going to be taking about METAL the contest rules was given to us as guidelines on what to write about.

You create a post containing a photo of the subject for this round
It's important that the photographs you submit are made by you. It can be a new photo or one from your archive.
Add a few words describing your photo; what you photographed, why you photographed it and maybe what settings you used, so others can learn from it.



this is the first metal I saw before writing this post the First image I'm holding a grinding machine part which got damaged but was replaced with a new one when i saw It I remembered I have a contest to write about metal then boom I started.
When i saw this contest topic I was really happy because I'm surrounded with metals. my house, street, shop and church. Metal is a common thing here most of the things we use are properties of metals.

window Protector

When it Comes to Security it is advisable to use something solid to protect your house. Since metal is solid is mostly use to protect our windows and doors to avoid criminals from getting into our house easily. So I quickly move to my house-store window, which is a property of a metal, I took this pictures myself, as you can see there's a window made with glass. But is not enough to be used to secure the house. for security reasons you have to look for metal protector for proper protection to avoid criminals breaking into your house easily.



it has same function as window protector It is used to prevent criminals from Stealing or breaking in easily into someone's house or shop. This is my mini electronics Shop, because I have some valuable stuff inside I need to secure it very well from criminals I had to give it double protector indoor and outdoor protector both are made With metals.




Here is my outdoor protector set outside the main door the purpose of this metal is to secure my mini store, because sometimes I do leave some of my goods outside just for people to have access viewing my product but at same time I Need to secure it from people who's their intentions is to steal. Did you noticed the aluminum roof there lol... I told you I'm surrounded with properties of metals.



Most houses, churches and hotels build their gates with metal in my Country is a common design, simply because of insecurities. people tends to secure their house with solid materials to avoid criminals from breaking inside easily.





Here is my mini electronics shop where we use metal wall mounts to hang our televisions, Because television is fragile we had to use a metal to hang it on the wall. You have to nailed the wall with the wall mount board attached to it, then scroll the pins to the television so you can easily hang the television to the board on the wall. All this process is to prevent the television from damage

My whole environment is surrounded with metal properties one way or the other I can keep snapping and writing about metals for ages lol.
Thank you for reading my post

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