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Steven Segal does it again

Actor(πŸ˜…) and martial artist master(πŸ™„) Steven Segal is now a Russian politician. This man doesn't know what else to do anymore to try to gain some recognition.

He currently (and for some time now) is a joke walking on the surface of the earth. I don't detract from his early films. I must say that "Under siege" was one of the movies that made me start studying martial arts since I was a kid (and all Bruce Lee movies too 😁) but his movies since the early 2000's have gone from bad to worse in terms of quality and acting.

And well, practicing martial arts has made me realize that Steven Segal is more of a myth than something real as far as a martial artist is concerned. I know, there are all those videos and documentaries about his life but ....

I have been practicing Krav Maga for several years now. I must say that since I started, it is the defense-attack system that I like the most of all the ones I have done in my life. And I call it a defense-attack system because it is not a sport (it has no rules) and it is not a martial art, or at least I would not call martial art something that seeks to do as much damage as possible in the shortest possible time and is trained as realistically as possible. And don't take my words the wrong way. It may sound very violent but in Krav Maga it is sought, above all, to avoid confrontation. But if confrontation is unavoidable then it can be quite violentπŸ˜….

A good place to practice Krav Maga training would be at the Calcio Storico in Florence.

That thing they do one day a year in Florence I did before Covid 3 times a week (of course with pads and glovesπŸ˜…) and doing something like that makes you realize that a lot of so called martial arts are really more art than martial. They are definitely good for building a knowledge base on how to punch, kick, dodge among other things and also keep the body in good physical shape but, in a real life fight they are not going to work much.

Aikido, which is what Segal is supposedly (more on this later) a master at, is also one of the least likely to work in real life if your opponent knows how to fight, even just a little bit.

And watching this video of Segal "fighting" with Rafael Feijao is to die laughing.

Watching it just brings to mind ...

In real life, Feijao fights more like this.

And as I said before, supposedly he is an Aikido master, as there is some doubt as to whether he really studied, as he says, with a famous Japanese master and the dojo he supposedly had in Japan was his wife's. Rather he is known to be a pathological liar from what I have seen. I don't deny that he knows Aikido, he definitely trained it but nothing more.

What do you think of this walking joke that is Steven Segal?

Sorry for the rant, I get annoyed by phonies like this.