What Do You Really Own Out of Everything You Have?

People who have spent decades working for money and success are among the most heartbroken. Those who began with nothing and have amassed every material possession possible. These are the people who had no idea what it was like to be comfortable; they had to create every level of comfort they enjoy in life because they came from less privileged backgrounds.

However, these people find it difficult to pass on their wealth to those who do not understand the true effort and decades of dedication required to build wealth. The most evil people in life are the next of kin to wealthy people, and this is because money obtained for free is easier to spend. Many wealthy people face this problem; they are constantly torn between who receives their wealth and who does not.

This is because sometimes the people who are supposed to inherit it have not been deemed worthy by them.

This demonstrates that chasing and owning enormous wealth has consequences.

We give off a lot in pursuit of money, and it is often difficult to strike a balance. Human beings are not gods; we are infallible. Sometimes we can only choose one thing and leave the rest, and some people bear the burden of prioritizing making money over everything else in life. They make the ultimate sacrifice in the hopes of providing a better future for their children.

Unfortunately for them, they have spent too much time chasing money, only to discover that they have raised strangers and children who do not value sacrifice.

The Illusion Of Consequences

However, some people are unconcerned about the consequences as long as the money allows them to live comfortably for the years they will need it. They only become concerned about the consequences when it comes time to pass on this wealth, only to discover that few people close to them deserve it.

This is why you hear about wealthy people donating their wealth to orphanages and random strangers, because they do not consider those close to them worthy. Some of these people go through divorces and lose a large portion of their assets to greedy spouses, and the trauma remains with them.

The Wealthy People Problem

Many people believe that wealthy people do not have problems, but this is not true. They are prone to having fake friends, plotters and backstabbers, and a slew of others who want them out of the way so they can take their wealth.

In reality, some of the things we have provide only temporary ownership.

Some of the reasons we work too hard and put ourselves in danger are because others will not appreciate us. Some of the friendships we have worked so hard to maintain come to an end, and we are left to figure out how to find genuine fulfillment. There are many people with whom we are affiliated, and vice versa, but life happens, and these people will leave, leaving you with only one true thing that may provide closure.

Many people do not invest in things they will never lose; we keep building and hoping that others will not destroy the legacies we are creating, but life is so short that it only takes the end to realize we have acquired things we do not truly own.

What Should You Seek?

There comes a time when people realize they need to seek God, something beyond physical happiness, only to realize it is too late. There is nothing more painful than having the illusion of plenty of time, only to discover too late that you do not have any.

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