What will human interactions be like in space travelers?

What will human interactions be like in space travelers?

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Mars, the red planet, the next stop for the human species in space exploration, we have sent all kinds of ships and vehicles that have helped us discover up close what it is like, but we still need to go there in person, that challenge is incredibly difficult.

There are technical drawbacks and human errors, and throughout the mission, exploration to Mars will be a long-term colonization, among the interactions of living in confined spaces, various human relationships arise, it has been proven that the crews of both sexes in confined spaces over long periods of time, even if they are under high levels of stress, it tends to procreate, it is natural, it happens in navy ships, nuclear submarines and research stations in Antarctica.


In these three environments, despite the high levels of preparation, training and discipline, the mixed crews always end up procreating and since no non-permanent contraceptive method is 100% effective, pregnancies occur that are not convenient in any of these environments, since they do not have medical equipment for prenatal care, obstetric emergencies and a medical evacuation is always necessary.

In a ship or a submarine it is not such a big problem, but in a research station in Antarctica it is, since if the evacuation is done during the winter the helicopter flight would be risky due to the weather and it would be endangering not only the mother and the baby, but the crew that has to transport them.

If in Antarctica an emergency medical evacuation is difficult, during a trip to Mars it is impossible, having vital resources such as food, water and oxygen limited in a spaceship, an extra passenger no matter how small would endanger everyone and if Were this already to happen on Mars, a rescue mission to take mom and baby away from the hostile environment of the red planet would take months to plan and more than a year to arrive is not an option.


For this reason, the missions to Mars will be to colonize the planet, and yes, the first humans to be born on Mars would be little Martians, initially there could be missions for only men, and then waves of ships would leave when the infrastructure and capacity to start were already available. to colonize the planet.

But for this to happen it takes a lot of time, the first manned mission to Mars no joke will happen before 2030 and I suspect it will be much later and many studies and simulations still need to be carried out to teach us more about the red planet, such as what the Artemis 1 mission is doing on the Moon with the mannequins Helga and Zohar that were on board the Orion capsule, which they collect information about the radiation doses that a woman's body receives outside the protection of the earth's magnetic field and how much it can be protected with special equipment, the results of this information will be available at the end of this year 2023 and will give us an idea that women will also be able to withstand radiation during a trip to Mars and their ability to procreate.


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