We live in a simulation

We live in a simulation

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According to a new work, the universe works naturally as a simulation. In addition to Elon Musk, there is another defender of this theory, the astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. They defend it not as if it were a religious belief, but as something interesting to investigate, a possibility to develop experiments and continue researching.

Like any scientist, he always has an open mind that he could be wrong, but any exploration, any experimentation helps us move forward, this theory may not be exactly like that or it may be completely wrong but it is also very possible that we discover new things, it would not be the first time that something new is discovered thanks to an error.

So we are in a simulation that was created, forgotten and that we have simply emerged as an anomaly within it, the question is whether the universe functions as a simulation and has arisen naturally or has been created artificially.

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Melvin M. Vopson and his law of information dynamics, proposes all these ideas, within science this matter is studied as a branch known as information physics that suggests that physical reality, what makes us up, is fundamentally composed of “bytes” of information, something that can function similarly to bytes of information.

If we delve into the smallest, the atoms are practically empty and the subatomic particles that form them are practically empty, they are shells of energy, clouds of energy practically.

This researcher proposes that in the end, that void, what we would find on the last step would be something similar to bytes of information, the new work It is enormous and explores various fields that may be affected by this information theory, fields such as biological systems, atomic physics and the Cosmos itself, but the most interesting thing is that it proposes a route to be able to demonstrate.

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It is part of science to explore, it is essential to verify that what we are theorizing is real, that in science there are many theories but the interesting thing is to find the evidence that confirms that what we are theorizing is real and fits with the description of the world that we are given. surrounds, so what the doctor proposes is an experiment devised last year to confirm The fifth state of matter in the universe which would also change what we know about physics

To do this, collisions between particles and antiparticles must be used. These collisions produce a large amount of energy and it is something that is achieved in particle accelerators and the largest one in the world will be needed to achieve any results, which is why the researcher proposes using the large hadron collider to obtain those data so necessary to verify whether or not we are living a simulation.

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