"Vampire" Cemetery"

"Vampire" Cemetery"

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Magic was part of the ancient cultural traditions, it served to explain everything that was unknown by the ancients, stories were built around it, some helped us overcome difficulties, told us about adventures of Heroes and fantastic beings protectors of the humans.

But other stories were dark about monsters and nightmares, as scientific knowledge expanded, we illuminated our world and understood the reason for things, even so, many people continued to be anchored in Magical thinking and also in its darkest and most gloomy side.

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And this is what another team of archaeologists have come across, this time from the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun in Poland, in a 400-year-old cemetery they found a tomb with signs of anti-vampire practices, according to the website arkeonews.net .

The grave was discovered on the outskirts of the city of Bydgoszcz and the remains belong to a woman, the corpse keeps a sickle around her neck It seems that the sickle was placed as part of a ritual to prevent the deceased from getting up again, also They put a padlock on the big toe of the left foot, the investigators discovered that the woman had a silk cap on her head, which was an expensive garment at that time, which indicates that the woman belonged to the upper class.

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In addition, he had a distinctive protruding front tooth, a facial feature that superstitious people at the time might associate with vampirism; those who were marked as witches or vampires were feared by the inhabitants even after their death, according to Professor Dariusz Poliński, who led the research ways to protect against the return of the undead include from cutting off their heads or legs to placing the deceased face down so that it bites the ground, burns it and even crushes the body with a stone, the researcher said.

They are beliefs and superstitions from which it has taken us centuries to free ourselves, however, currently there are still beliefs that bind us and prevent us from advancing in scientific development. such as flat earth believers.

Official website arkeonews.net

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