There is no liquid water on Mars

There is no liquid water on Mars


The search for water on Mars is a search in which the European space agency, NASA, all the agencies that are on Mars is one of the objectives, not only to find present or past life on Mars but also to find remains of water present or past on the red planet.

The ancient explorers who went by ship had a special moment when the lookout shouted land, because it was the moment when a new island or a new continent was discovered, space explorers also have their special moment when they discover and shout water, NASA had its water moment on Mars in September 2015 when it announced that it had discovered some dark trails, according to them, a product of liquid water.


It was supposed to be very brackish water, and it was the only explanation for why water could exist in the very low atmosphere that Mars has, normal liquid water cannot exist, if we throw a bottle of water on Mars the water would immediately turn to steam, The only way there can be anything liquid running on the surface of Mars is water with a very high salt content.

These stripes that you see, the ones that led NASA experts to think that they could be rivulets of this type of very brackish water, the problem is that the cause of the dark stripes or as the experts call recurrent slope lines began to quickly fail, the point is that some geologists realized that the angle of the slopes where the streaks appeared and the features surrounding their origins are largely inconsistent with a liquid flow process, i.e. water falling through a hillside would not behave like that, no matter how much salt that water had.

The final explanation was that the stripes were produced by simple landslides, an explanation that was even supported by SETI and the institute for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, well that was NASA's watery moment, the European space agency also had its watery moment It was in June 2018 when he published that he had discovered lakes of liquid water under the icy ice cap of the south pole of Mars at a depth of one and a half kilometers.


The images that it broadcast at that time were the ones above, they are radar images and the blue would mean areas of water, in fact what NASA experts had calculated is that what they were seeing by the radar data would be three lakes to be exact, lakes that the largest of them would be about 20 to 30 kilometers in size and would be surrounded by several smaller ponds.

Once again, the European space agency justified the presence of liquid water by the fact that it would be very salty, although this time it would not be to explain the lack of pressure, since it would be under a kilometer and a half of ice, there is pressure to spare, the problem was to justify that liquid water could be in a place where temperatures are extremely low and there was no known source of heat such as volcanic activity, but as happened with the water moment of NASA, the water moment of ESA it turned out to be a mirage.


A study that has been published recently, shows that the supposed water lakes of Mars are a mirage and reduces it to dry rocks, this study has been published a few days ago is the University of Texas at Austin, a statement was issued on Monday January 24 and in that statement it says that "the reflections perceived by the radar are equal to those of the volcanic plains distributed throughout the surface of the red planet", in fact what the experts from the University of Texas did was create a model of Mars snowball, as if it was covered by an ice cap and they saw that the radar reflections from the volcanic areas covered by that simulated ice cap were exactly the same as what the European space agency showed in 2018, so the conclusion is that the radar captured volcanic rocks hidden under the ice cap.

It should be noted that the 2018 discovery had already been doubted by some experts, the doubt since it was calculated that the temperature of the place was too cold even for the existence of salt water, this explanation now, that the one that has just been publish only comes to finish off the error the error of the finding, there was no water.

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