The Strange Cosmic Threads of the Galaxies.

The Strange Cosmic Threads of the Galaxies.


What are the strange threads of energy that exist in the nucleus of our galaxy the Milky Way and that you can see in the image above taken by the MeerKat radio observatory.

In the 1980s, astrophysicist Farhad Zadeh from North Western University in the United States discovered the existence of these threads or filaments that are close to the nucleus of our galaxy. To date, nearly a thousand filaments have been detected, some reaching all 150 light-years long and hang extremely neat and clean like strings on a harp.

The radio observations also revealed that the filaments contain cosmic ray electrons that spin in magnetic fields at close to the speed of light, and that the magnetic fields are amplified throughout the length of all the filaments.


There are two possible explanations to these Threads; The first would be that they are formed thanks to an interaction between the Galactic winds and the great clouds of gas and dust; the second explanation is the turbulence within the weak magnetic fields agitated by the movement of the Galaxies, even so, there are many enigmas around these filaments.

The latest research presented by Farhad Zadeh has discovered new cosmic filaments, but this time in other galaxies and of gigantic dimensions, the new filaments or threads outside the Milky Way are much larger, between 100 to 10,000 times longer, they are also much older. and their magnetic fields are weaker.


Most of them curiously hang out into the vast nothingness of the intergalactic medium at a 90 degree angle to the supermassive black hole jets located in the Galactic nuclei, the newly discovered threads have the same length-width ratio as the filaments of the pathway. milky and in both cases they seem to carry energy in a similar way, closer to the jet the electrons in the filaments have more energy but lose energy as they travel further down the filament.

Scientists believe that the jets from supermassive black holes could provide the primordial particles or seeds needed for a filament to be born, but something unknown accelerates the particles through the astonishing lengths that these cosmic filaments measure, and what most amazes scientists. scientists is that some of these threads or filaments are up to 652,000 light years in length.

That is about six times the diameter of our galaxy and in some unknown way the electrons of the filament stay together throughout that very long journey, it is one of the strangest things about these colossal cosmic threads, there are still many questions to be answered and the Researcher Farhad Zadeh himself says he "still marvels at new discoveries"

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