The new worlds, exoplanets

The new worlds, exoplanets.


A team of astronomers using data from NASA's Spitzer and TESS space observatories and other ground-based observatories has discovered a volcanic exoplanet, nearly the size of our planet and just 20% larger, they have named it LP 791. -18 d.

It orbits a small red dwarf star located about 90 light years away from us, in the direction of the southern constellation of Crater, the planet suffers numerous volcanic explosions, something similar to what happens to the volcanic moon of Jupiter io.

But also, according to astronomers, this planet can have large spots of water, the planet is fixed by tidal forces and, just like our moon, which always shows us the same face, LP 791-18 d always shows a face. to its star on that side where it is always day it is too hot for water to exist, but astronomers have calculated that water vapor can condense and rain on the night side where temperatures are much cooler.

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Perhaps the most curious thing is that the origin of the volcanic activity of this world is not only due to its proximity to the star, in this story there is another culprit, an evil brother and bully, it is a much larger planet with about seven times the mass of the earth and that periodically passes very close to the volcanic planet.

Each step of the large planet produces a gravitational tug on the volcanic planet making its orbit somewhat elliptical, that elliptical trajectory is what causes the planet to end up deforming slightly each time it revolves around the star, shrinking and stretching and those deformations they end up creating enough energy to heat the interior of the planet and cause the intense volcanic activity that it undergoes.

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