The bad thing about plastic is the profits.

The bad thing about plastic is the profits.

Plastic in the Sea, Created by me with AI.

Hello friends of the community, this time I will talk about plastic and my experience as a science professional, and I begin by explaining what plastic is; to later explain to him why he is causing so much damage to humanity and the environment.

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Most plastics are polymers, a polymer is a molecular chain that repeats a specific structure, these are called monomers; and they are mostly organic molecules of carbon and hydrogen, plus other elements.

The bad thing about plastic is not that it lasts forever, depending on the type of plastic and its structure it can degrade after a few weeks up to 1000 years or more, 8 billion tons of plastic have been produced to date and scientists don't know where the vast majority are there, this is known because they have made balances everywhere, on land, in the sea, in the air and even in us; one of the latest studies has found microplastics in the lungs of humans (and by extrapolation in all living things that breathe), you are already perceiving the serious error of the industrial era and of humanity.

Plastic degrades for years into smaller molecules known as micro plastics up to its monomer and then its decomposition into other molecules, these can vary in size and disperse throughout the planet; In this way, there are concentrations of plastic in the air, on land and in the sea, and oceanographers consider plastic as another element of the sea.

Plastic pipes, Created by me with AI.

I worked in a company that produced plastic pipes and accessories. PVC pellets, carbonates, paraffin waxes, various types of stabilizers and dyes are used mostly in their production; these are mixed like a cooking recipe and processed by extrusion or molding.

The vast majority of these components are quite toxic, they are very oncological (it is said that way, not that they are carcinogenic), the formulators who are the people who prepare "the cocktails" for the different types of plastics use equipment such as space to protect themselves and Even so, he heard on retired occasions the serious consequences on his health and that of his family.

And to think that once the plastic is made it comes into contact with the water that reaches our homes and this is used to wash our food, we must think that the real pandemic is cancer; You already know where the cause comes from, it is estimated that one in two people in the world will suffer from some type of cancer.

Natural rubber tree, Created by me with AI.

The great boom in plastic is that it is very versatile and profitable, which is why its use and therefore the profits of corporations and industry intensified, without evaluating the real impact on the environment and on us; An example of this, which has happened in the industry, was asbestos roofs. Its manufacture and use spread, and years later it was verified that it is a very oncological material; The same happens with the plastics industry, due to financial pressures, information about the true damage it causes to the planet and to us is hidden or slows down, it only wants profit.

The initial solution, for example, is what some countries do with certain policies, they have already prohibited the use of plastic bags, because they are only used once and discarded; (disposal of waste products) there are thousands of natural polymers in nature made by animals (example wax worm) and plants (example natural rubber); the use of these natural polymers and their impact should be evaluated.

This topic is very extensive, like the number of plastics that are synthesized daily by the industry, without really evaluating its consequences in its environment, the future will tell what mistake is being made.

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