Tantrum of nations

Tantrum of nations


It all started when Russia destroyed its Tselina-D satellite, causing thousands of dangerous fragments to put the rest of the satellites at risk, as well as the space station that they helped to build, with that senseless act it contributed to the increase in space debris, threatening future space projects around the earth.

The protesting voices did not wait; The US State Department issued a protest note calling the Russian test "dangerous and irresponsible" and says the wreckage now threatens space objects that are vital to the security, economic and scientific interests of all nations. in the next decades.


NASA also issued a note in similar terms and recalling that the international space station was put on alert and the crew had to take refuge in the passage of the debris cloud, for its part Russia from the defense ministry admitted that it carried out the test, but he called the US literally hypocritical saying that Washington already knew about the test and that the US, China and India had carried out similar tests in the past.

India was in 2019 and the US was in 1985 with the destruction of the Short Wind satellite, as you can see they throw the junk at each other like little children in a schoolyard and base their performances on the childish principle of that as the other did, I also have the right.


All these tests are a complete absurdity, a mere act of propaganda arrogance that does not even have military value, perhaps it had some logic 40 years ago when nations had a handful of satellites, but today there are hundreds, each nation has hundreds of satellites with strategic value and if one is lost it can be replaced in a very short time by another, to this must be added that the shrapnel from remains do not distinguish between friends and enemies so the destruction of a rival satellite can end up supposing the destruction of a satellite of its own.


What remains is for the leaders of Russia, the United States, China and India to invest in developing space debris cleaning systems, systems that make debris rush towards the earth and disintegrate the atmosphere which is the most common method. basic destruction of the remains and obsolete satellites, listen to me and this is not an advice for cosmic environmentalism it is for military strategy, because if you have a system or a ship that can make a satellite or a remnant of space debris fall, it can also do the same with an active satellite, so you have a system for destroying enemy satellites, without the need to litter the space or endanger your own satellites.

The enemy is space junk and as Master Sun said in the art of war if you use the enemy to defeat the enemy you will be powerful wherever you go.

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