Retrograde mercury

Retrograde mercury

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Hello friends, I bring you the scientific event and from August 23 to September 14 we will have Mercury retrograde, some media headline chaos, cosmic terror and I am not exaggerating and in others they advise you what to do and what not to do these days.

But what is this about Mercury retrograde, it is good, it is bad, because neither one nor the other, because they do not influence anything in our lives or in our destiny, retrograde is simply a term that defines an apparent movement of a planet in this case mercury.

The planets revolve around the sun, but at different speeds the fastest is mercury and the slowest is Neptune, from the perspective of the earth we see from time to time as if the planets stopped in the sky and moved backwards, but only a visual effect that occurs when the earth overtakes or is overtaken in its orbit by a planet.

This visual effect is called retrograde and it does not influence us at all, no matter how much astrologers try, but it was a useful issue during the Copernican revolution since by placing the sun in the center of the solar system the entire system of calculation of epicycles of the geocentric model, the one that places the earth at the center of the universe and which by the way is the model in which astrologers still live.

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