New technologies in Salts reactors.

New technologies in Salts reactors.


Chinese scientists are developing an experimental nuclear reactor that promises to create an energy revolution, because it would work not with the dangerous and scarce uranium but with thorium, if all goes well it could lead to the emergence of a safer and cheaper nuclear energy.


Thorium has two advantages over uranium, the first is that it is much less radioactive and the second is that nature is four times more abundant than uranium, so this technology would be very useful within 50 or 100 years when it is planned known uranium deposits are depleted.


This Chinese reactor will not be the first to use thorium as fuel, but it will be the first to use molten salts in the process, the salts make the reactor not need water to cool down so and this is a very interesting aspect, it could be built in desert regions like the Gobi, but in the future it could supply power to bases on the moon or Mars, places where water will be a very rare commodity.


The pilot reactor will be small, three meters high and two and a half meters wide, its capacity will be two megawatts, which can power up to a thousand typical homes, however it is part of a longer-term plan to develop a series of small molten salt reactors, each with a capacity of 100 megawatts enough to power hundreds of thousands of typical homes.

This reactor would be within what the Chinese call perfect technologies to help China achieve its goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050 and thus maintain its energy independence, in addition to being at the forefront of technology in new energies .



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