Interstellar planets in our system.

Interstellar planets in our system.

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Wandering or interstellar planets is a very new field of astronomy, this field is so new that the names are not clear, NASA calls them rogue planets, there are those who call them free-flying planets, wandering planets, which in reality is a redundancy and it seems that the most common term or at least from the searches that I have found on the internet is wandering planets, which is also a redundancy because planet comes from the Greek and means wanderer or wanderer, I prefer Interstellar planet or exoplanet because they are those that wander around space without orbiting a star, they wander in the space between the stars.

According to research by NASA scientists and Japanese scientists at Osaka University, interstellar planets may outnumber planets orbiting stars, there could be 20 times more than stars, that means there would be trillions of interstellar planets.

This conclusion was reached by scientists doing a survey and with microlensing observations, because obviously capturing an exoplanet is complicated or trying to capture planet 9 is also complicated, imagine how complicated it is to capture an Interstellar planet that is not orbiting a planet. star and that does not receive light and obviously does not emit it, although if they emit one thing, any planet, no matter how cold it is, will always be a little warmer than the space that surrounds it, so it receives and emits thermal radiation, it is one of the clues that we have to be able to locate them.

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The other clue is gravitational microlensing, which is an effect caused by a powerful mass. A large mass can distort the fabric of space-time around it and create a lens effect, magnifying what is behind it. It is a way to be able to see things that are very far away or things that are very small.

Most wandering planets are very cold, but recently there was research that said that it is even possible that there could be life not on them, but on moons that will orbit them, many wandering planets are gas giants the size of Jupiter, on those planets There may also be wandering moons and those moons may have the gravitational Maria effect that warms their interior, they would be small worlds such as Jupiter's moon Europa, which has an ocean inside under an icy crust and life could occur there.

The origins of interstellar planets may be that they formed within a nebula like a star but do not reach the size of a star or they may be planets that were born normally like any other planet but within the chaos, especially the initial formation of a star end up being thrown out of their star system into space, this is interesting because some rogue planets can reach enormous speeds and travel between the stars.

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We can say that there may be a wandering planet within the solar system, and here is a point to clarify, we automatically think that the solar system encompasses the area of the planets and it turns out that the area of the planets up to Neptune is quite small compared to what which is the size of the solar system, the average distance from Neptune to the sun is about 4.5 billion kilometers, that is just over four light hours, that would be the radius of the Planetary solar system. So we are talking about a diameter of 8 light hours.

The gravitational influence of the sun extends far beyond Neptune, the solar system according to some experts could extend up to almost half a light year in radius, which is a light year in diameter, so it is statistically possible that right now we have an Interstellar planet passing through that large space of the outer solar system and therefore it does not have to cause any disturbance to the planets, perhaps altering the orbit of a comet in its passage, the outer solar system is enormous.

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