Importance of water.

Importance of water.

If you're lucky like me water is the liquid you need to stay alive, in fact two thirds of you are water, it's always available a few steps away and magically comes out of a faucet so we rarely wonder what it's like that reaches the comfort of our homes, it is always there at the time we want and that makes it easier for us to take having access to water for granted as if it were something normal and no, it is not.

Water is a vital resource but it is not a human right, that is what they have always wanted us to think; because in practice it is a privilege that many people even not so far from where you live do not have, "844 million people in the world lack a basic drinking water service"

When a densely populated city begins to suffer from the problems of water scarcity, political forces, federal resources and even the private sector begin to move to avoid what could potentially be a catastrophe, some businessmen offer to donate water from their wells and some describe it as a philanthropic act, when in reality it is an act of survival.

Without water there are no people, no employees, no bosses, no company, It's that simple and those wells don't belong to them, the water belongs to everyone, that's why there are organizations that manage it and concession its use to individuals.

These can authorize the extraction of more water, through audits it reviews the legal situation of the wells to use them during an emergency, it can also authorize the use of rivers and dams to direct water to areas with scarcity, it can also resort to flights to sow clouds and cause rains that are of little or no use; and the solution that is being given to the shortage of water in most cities is to extract more water from aquifers and from dams and rivers that are further and further away.

Some even propose transporting water in trucks from states with "abundance" of the resource, which is the most expensive and polluting way of transporting large amounts of water, but in an emergency we do not rule anything out.

A real solution that would solve the root of the problem, which is the overexploitation of dams and aquifers that are unable to recover during the rainy season, and pulling water from other locations will only expand the shortage problems beyond the city, there is background of this.

Conflicts over water, there are many but they are less noticeable because they usually affect small communities that have less representation, the shortage is caused by natural causes such as less precipitation in the rainy season, but it is also due to overexploitation, among the companies that extract the most water per year in the world are the breweries, world beverages, bottlers, obviously these are not the only companies with concessions to extract large amounts of our water, but they are the most unnecessary and cause shortage problems in many countries.

In some regions, water is monopolized by soft drink companies and it is easier for people to drink soft drinks than water, causing an epidemic of diabetes, think about it the next time you have a beer or a soft drink, there is also the agribusiness sector, which is the that uses more water and that is fine because it is what feeds us, but the most inefficient use of water and soil is livestock, that is, the one that uses water and soil to produce vegetable food to feed animals for human consumption that due to Due to its high resource requirement, it is the most inefficient way of producing food.

The industrial and agricultural sectors are the sectors that use the most water, but there is also the public sector and that is where we come in, in my experience where there are neighborhoods that have been depending on trucks for months to access water, there are also areas where it has never been needed and you can tell by the way people waste it, it is not uncommon to see people sweeping the street or washing the car with the jet, showing that it takes a scare to realize that the water you waste is not only going to be needed by you to you, but to others, become aware.


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